Research Committee
Chair: Vacant
The purpose of the Research Committee is to promote, foster, and facilitate high quality research so as to improve the care of patients with heart failure disorders through creation of knowledge and its translation into best practices. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Heart Failure Update Planning Committee
Co-chairs: Drs. Shelley Zieroth, Kim Anderson and Stephanie Poon (2024-2028)
The Heart Failure Update Planning Committee is responsible for developing a premier meeting for healthcare and research professionals involved in heart failure care and ensure the educational integrity and financial success of the meeting.
To learn more, please visit the Heart Failure Update website.
Nominations & Awards Committee
Chair: Dr. Anique Ducharme (2022-2024)
The purpose of the Nominations and Awards Committee is to prepare a call for nominations to the membership for vacant Board positions, select a CHFS Annual Achievement Award recipient, and recruit candidates for consideration as members on CHFS Committees. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Education Committee
Chair: Dr. Aws Almufleh (2023-2025)
The Education Committee provides a structure to address educational efforts aimed at heart failure professionals, patients and caregivers on behalf of the CHFS Board and to provide recommendations to the Board on related issues. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Website Content Committee
Chair: Dr. Calvin Tong (2023-2025)
The primary purpose of the Website Content Committee is to ensure current and contemporary content is available to CHFS members and stakeholders. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Nursing and Allied Health Committee
Chair: Rodolfo Pike (2020-2024)
The CHFS Nursing and Allied Health Committee provides an opportunity for nurses to network with colleagues to enable them to have a robust and informed voice on CHFS Committees, and represents a bidirectional conduit for communication between CHFS committee activities and nurses/allied health professionals. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Workforce Committee
Chair: Dr. Shelley Zieroth (2023-2025)
The purpose of the Workforce Committee is to strategize on opportunities to improve
the physician workforce caring for patients with heart failure. Click here to read the terms of reference.
Membership Committee
Chair: Vacant
The Membership Committee is accountable and responsible for recruitment and retention of CHFS members to optimize the Society’s activities and resilience. Click here to read the terms of reference.